A Glossary of Terms

  • Substantiative Editing

    Sometimes called ‘developmental editing,’ this is editing process that happens first. We’ll look at the big ideas, messages, tone, and logic of your work to make sure it not only flows, but communicates as effectively as possible. You may have performed substantiative editing yourself in drafting when rearranging the structure, tone, or idea of a work.

  • Copy Editing

    Copy editing is the revision of a manuscript or written material for overall clarity, readability, and function. It involves editing both for mechanical errata as well as consistency and grammar.

  • Line Editing

    Like copy editing, line editing is about preparing written material for readability and function, while also editing for style and eloquence. In line editing, a line editor will suggest fixes for repeated words, bulky paragraphs, run-on sentences, and tired phrasing.

  • Formatting & Mechanical Editing

    This type of editing is done at the end of the editing process, and refers to making sure that a work conforms to the conventions of a certain style. This is the stage at which we break out the AP, APA, Chicago, and MLA style guides.

  • Sensitivity Reading

    In a sensitivity reading, I’ll look over your work and make suggestions for replacements of terms that may be outdated, cliché, or offensive to readers. If your work features a narrative voice or character outside of your own experience, a sensitivity edit can help avoid implicit cultural biases, racist caricatures, or stereotyping. This is not about censorship; this is quality representation of diversity.

  • Accuracy Editing

    Similar in process to a sensitivity reading, an accuracy reading involves reading a work for accuracy to a time period, geographic location, or consistency in world-building. In this process, I’ll scan your historical fiction for period accuracy, the magic system of your fantasy word for consistency and boundary, and your internationally-based fiction for localization.

  • Book Coaching

    Are you a first-time author who needs guidance? A writer of any level struck by writer’s block? I got you. We’ll go through your manuscript and work out the kinks together to get you back on track, and create a plan for you to continue through the process independently.